Loss of Appetite from Cancer

Loss of appetite is a common problem for cancer patients. Appetite loss
can lead to malnutrition, loss of muscle mass, weight loss, and
weakness. Wasting–a combination of weight loss and loss of muscle–is a
serious complication of cancer and cancer treatment.

Causes of Loss of Appetite

There are a multitude of reasons cancer patients may lose their
appetites. Some cancers, particularly ovarian, stomach, and pancreatic
cancers, effect metabolism. Cancer symptoms, such as an enlarged spleen
or buildup of fluid in the abdomen, can put pressure on the stomach,
causing the patient to feel full even though they’re not. Cancer
medications themselves can also cause loss of appetite. Chemotherapy can
alter perceptions of taste, and it is not uncommon for cancer patients
to lose their sense of taste completely, making eating a chore.
Chemotherapy patients commonly experience nausea and vomiting.

Medical Marijuana Stimulates Appetite and May Restore Sense of Taste

With the growing support for medical marijuana laws, researchers have
begun exploring how and why cannabis aids cancer patients. Although the
exact mechanism is still unknown, numerous studies over the past decade
have supported its effectiveness. A 2011 study published in "The Annals
of Oncology", found that 64 percent of

taking a THC pill–THC is one of the active compounds in medical
marijuana–reported increased appetite. Patients also reported that food
tasted better while taking THC.

Cannabis’ Long-Term Relationship With Cancer Treatment

Medical marijuana has been successfully used to treat loss of appetite,
and wasting, in cancer patients for over 20 years. It’s so effective in
combating the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy as well
that synthetic THC, under the brand name Marinol, has been on the market
since 1985. Marinol is also approved to treat weight loss and poor
appetite in AIDS patients. The American Cancer Society itself agrees
that medical marijuana can be
both in alleviating chemotherapy-induced nausea and stimulating appetite
and promotes further research into the area.

Low THC concentrations have been found to be more stimulating than
higher concentrated, more psychoactive mixtures. Oral administration may
be the most effective form of delivery for cannabis products intended to
stimulate the appetite. It provides a faster means of delivery since
it’s rapidly absorbed through the tissues of the mouth, and edible
products such as cannabis-infused lollipops can be the easiest means of
administration for those who have difficulty ingesting solid food.

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