Want to Fall Asleep? Get the Sleep Vape Pen by Dosist

Closing out 2021 has been an anxiety-driven endeavor. On many nights I’ve found myself restless in bed, tearing at my covers, only to pull them back tight as the cold sets in around me. The stress of COVID, remote work, and uncertainty for the future regularly feels overwhelming, leaving me to seek out any possible resolution to bring on a deep, uninterrupted sleep.

Cannabis can help you fall asleep.

Rather than turning to “doctor ordered” prescription medication such as Ambien — which comes with a list of side effects longer than a receipt from CVS — I looked to cannabis to help me fall asleep. When I use cannabis, I prefer products that don’t leave me anxious, ideally they do the opposite, providing the opportunity to drift off into a restless sleep.

The Science Behind Cannabis & Sleep

The science behind cannabis and sleep
is more complex than I had initially believed. When cannabinoids bind to receptors in the brain, they send messages to increase levels of sleep-promoting adenosine levels and suppress the brain’s arousal system. In short, it can certainly help you sleep, but you need the right product with the optimal CBD and THC dosage for a perfect sleep.

Cannabis can help you get a good night's sleep.

My number one concern when consuming cannabis is that I’ll overindulge. It’s almost impossible to know how much THC you’re going to inhale in each puff of a joint or vape pen. But I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Dosist’s sleep pen eliminates this concern. They’ve created the first “dosed” marijuana pens, designed to help you fall asleep and stay asleep naturally.

The Dosist Vape Pen: One-of-a-Kind

The Dosist Sleep Pen

Dosist’s vape pens were selected by Time as one of 2016’s Best Inventions alongside products like Apple Airpods and Tesla’s Solar Roof. New Cannabis Ventures noted that “The device is truly one-of-a-kind.”

Both the tech and cannabis community have embraced the Dosist vape pen (formerly called Hmblt). GQ wrote “Weed-delivery innovator Hmblt has mastered not just aesthetics (its dose pen, good for 200 hits, could be sold in an Apple Store) but also tech, a rarity in the pot world.”

The Sleep Dosist Vape Pen

I was able to pick up my own Dosist ‘Sleep’ vape pen at a nearby dispensary in my hometown of Denver, Colorado. I ran in around 7 pm and was home by 8 pm. After popping open the box and unsealing the plastic, I gave the Sleep pen a once-over. Holding the product felt like I had a piece of futuristic medicine in my hand. It even looks a bit like an elongated pill, with a little opening at the top where you can see the honey-like cannabis oil.

The Dosist Vape Pens have a variety of effects

According to Dosist the Sleep pen is "8:1 THC to CBD formula designed to help you fall asleep, and stay asleep naturally." I was looking forward to trying it. After a strong draw on the tip, I noticed a vibration after about three seconds and the vapor stopped. The vibration indicates that you have drawn in one dose of cannabis – so I knew exactly what I had inhaled!

The vapor was aromatic, it tasted smooth and sweet — a familiar flavor that I now associate with sleep. That was my first dose. As a semi-regular cannabis user, I took two doses and then laid back on my bed, flicked off my lamp and waited. 8 hours later I woke up to my alarm buzzing. I hadn’t slept so deeply and peacefully since the pre-pandemic days.

The dose pen by Dosist.

The best part was that there was no grogginess when I opened my eyes in the morning. I actually didn’t even need any coffee that morning, and I am what one would call a “coffee aficionado,” but I already felt awake without caffeine!

If my personal endorsement isn’t compelling enough, Dosist customers are in agreement as well:

Sleep Vape Pen Dosist customer

  • “I’m a British Army veteran (living in the USA) of two deployments in Afghanistan. I haven’t slept well since 2009. Your pen changed that. I sleep like a log. I wake up energized and fresh. It has changed my life.”
  • “Sleep has literally saved me. Better sleep and barely any headaches that I used to get all the time. Lifesavers, truly.”
  • “I took two doses and felt a lovely warm blanket feeling, and fell asleep soon after. I woke up in the morning clear-headed after a good night’s sleep.”

Where to Buy a Dosist Sleep Pen

Dosist’s products are currently available in California, Colorado, Nevada and Canada, serving a total dispensary network of more than 700 stores. You can find out exactly where to purchase your own here.

The Dosist store in California.

If you’re looking for a safe, easy, and reliable replacement for sleep medication, or just interested in falling asleep more quickly, check out Dosist. They’re creating a well-rested world, one pen at a time.

If you are new to cannabis and want to learn more, take a look at our Cannabis 101 post. HelloMD can help you get your medical marijuana recommendation; it’s 100% online, private and efficient.


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