Try an Immersive Sound Bath & Hike in Muir Woods with Cannabis

Recently, I was invited to a cannabis consumption event hosted by Dosist which included a hike and an immersive sound bath in Muir Woods. If you are not familiar, Muir Woods is the iconic state park full of redwoods, set aside by the nature conservationist John Muir, and is located in Marin County, CA. Even better, itโ€™s on my back doorstep.

new vape pens by Dosist
The new formula dose pens by Dosist

As the fog cleared, the Sunday afternoon event started with a long hike into the redwoods, which sadly I missed due to my jet lag after a 24-hour journey home from a family holiday in Europe. After shaking off my grogginess, I ended up meeting the group of hikers upon their return at a Muir Woods clubhouse, seemingly perched on top of the world. Dosist graciously offered refreshments, lunch and an assortment of their formulated dose pens for people to consume prior to the sound bath.


Sound bath led by Danny Goldberg
Danny Goldberg led the sound bath. Photo by Dosist

This past year, Dosist (formerly called HMBLDT) won Time Innovation Design of the Year for their dose pens which include formulations bliss, calm, sleep, relief and now arouse and passion.

According to the company, "We developed innovative technology to create the dosist dose pen, ensuring that it delivers over 200 precise doses, guaranteed." I noticed that overwhelmingly, people seemed drawn to the Dosist calm pen, which also happens to be my favorite.

Singing bowls as part of the sound bath
Singing bowls beneath the gongs. Photo by Dosist

The sound bath, a practice of sound therapy, a trend on the rise throughout California, was led by Danny Goldberg. Danny has been doing sound immersion for Stanford Universityโ€™s Health Improvement Program as well as many yoga, wellness & spiritual centers throughout the SF Bay Area and Santa Cruz.

Danny explains, โ€œThe physiological impact of sound on the body, emotions & cognition is apparent. Through the vibrations of these instruments we experience an inner calm & deep relaxation that enables us to journey within & center.โ€ His sound immersive experience included large gongs and singing bowls.

Dosist team members
Ryan and Brittnie of Dosist

After a period of socializing and trying various Dosist products, people were asked to settle onto yoga mats with their heads facing towards the center of the room. Laying down on our mats with plush pillows, Danny started a group meditation through the use of sound immersion that reverberated through every inch the body. At one point he placed a metal singing bowl upon my chest and the sound vibrated to my fingertips.

After an hour of this incredible journey I felt both relaxed but also mentally alert. The cannabis sound bathing experience was a first for me and the pairing seemed so natural and obvious.

Dosistโ€™s event coordinator Brittnie says, โ€œWe’re regularly hosting events such as these throughout California to raise awareness of dosist and to give patients unique experiences, such as a sound bath.โ€

Hiking before the Dosist sound bath
Hikers socializing pre sound bath. Photo by Dosist

HelloMD also has an upcoming event, Mindful Haven, on Sunday, July 30, in San Francisco. We will offer Ganja Yoga with Dee Dussault, guided meditation with Jaene Leonard and a sound bath experience with Rachel Dugas. This will be a cannabis consumption event with tastings from eight different cannabis sponsors. Please register on HelloMD and buy your tickets on Eventbrite. Space will be limited.

If you’re new to cannabis and want to learn more, take a look at our Cannabis 101 post. HelloMD can help you get your medical marijuana recommendation; it’s easy, private and 100% online.


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