The Top 10 Marijuana-Inspired Instagram Accounts

Lying at the epicenter of art and technology, Instagram keeps millennials, baby boomers, and everybody in-between glued to glowing rectangles for hours on end. I am no exception to this obsession, and with an infinite stream of photos at my finger tips, I admit I could scroll all day.

With that in mind, I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 cannabis-inspired Instagram accounts I just can’t resist browsing through. These are not the accounts with the most followers and they don’t have anything to do with Kardashian (Thank God), but they do contain unforgettable memes, insider looks, and even amber sunrises glistening over Mendocino harvests.

Whether you want to stay up to date on the latest and greatest or are just checking out some fantastic photography, take a look and see the best Instagram has to offer for the discerning cannabist.

1. @absolutextracts

Absolute Xtracts sits at the top of cannabis extract companies, and is committed to giving Californians the best in strain specific CO2 oils. I can’t stress strain specific enough… No “sativa” blends here! Check out their cannabis cartridges in action or even see a few videos from right inside the processing plant itself.


2. @weedhumor

This Instagram dishes out the daily humor with an overarching theme of, well, weed. Go check out some hilarious posts and laugh out loud videos @weedhumor.

3. @erik.nugshots

Erik Christiansen, a self proclaimed “cannabis photographer by day and amateur scientist by night,” has dedicated his time to photographing some truly spectacular buds. His channel evokes the delicate brilliance of the cannabis plant up front and close. Really, just some beautiful work.

4. @frenchycannoli

Frenchy Cannoli is an artist first and a hash producer second. He crafts some of the finest solvent-less (not solvent-free) hashes in California. Some may scoff at his prices, but it is undeniable that the industry is lucky to have such a dedicated, skilled craftsman educating and spreading cannabis knowledge throughout the business. You can also check out his feature in Vice.

5. @hellomd_com

Get ready for some fantastic brand spotlights and the coolest canna-lifestyle posts you’ll find anywhere. We provide you, not only with great cannabis photos and media specialist Dmitry’s outrageous humor (and accompanying videos), but also in depth looks inside the industry with the voices driving medical cannabis onward into the future.

6. @ngaio420

This guy has some seriously hilarious 420 selfies going on but also has a great eye for the visuals. He has mastered the wide-eyed-surprise-look. From the looks of it, he gets around is always dressed well too.

7. @snoopdogg

Did you think we were really going to make it through a marijuana top 10 list without D-O-double-G? Snoop’s Instagram is something to behold. A combination of hilarious selfie videos and memes, Snoop’s Instagram doesn’t pretend to be anything other than the life and times of the world’s premier canna-sseur.

8. @glasspipes420

Glasspipes420 showcases the fanciful work of various glass blowers. Though I do wish more credit was given to the individual blowers, this page keeps reeling me back in with each new captivating creation. It is also one of the few pages dedicated to glass that does not try to sell you anything.

9. @true_farma

This medically oriented Instagram by TrueFarma showcases many sides of the cannabis plant, but all with a decidedly medical twist. You may find a few memes here and there, but you are most likely to run into a few mind blowing statistics about how CBD can help epilepsy or how cannabis cuts down on opioid abuse. From product showcases to legalization statements, TrueFarma should be your first stop for an enlightening scroll through your Instagram feed.


10. @weedstagram420

Weedstagram420 has essentially taken Instagram and compiled a collage of everything cannabis. Here you will find flower snapshots, hilarious memes, heady glass, and just a great collection of funny photos. If you’re just looking for a cannabis related laugh, check out their page!

If you are new to cannabis and want to learn more, take a look at our Cannabis 101 post. HelloMD can help you get your medical marijuana recommendation; it’s 100% online, private and efficient.


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