The 3 Most Common Skin Conditions Cannabis Can Help

DiDi Davis is Founder of Sweet ReLeaf, a topical cannabis manufacturer located in California. Sweet ReLeaf has created one of the most effective and enjoyable topicals on the market today. Didi states, “We believe in the healing power of plants, specifically how the human endocannabinoid system communicates with the compounds found in Cannabis. We like to call it ‘Intelligent Medicine.’” In her second blog post, Didi talks about different skin conditions and how cannabis topicals may have a positive effect.

Can Skin Influence our Immune System?

Weighing in at over 8 lbs and covering up to 23 square feet, the skin is the largest, as well as one of the most important, organs in the human body.

Our skin protects our body from the outside world, pieces us together, and recent studies have even suggested that skin can help control our immune system. People coping with chronic skin conditions understand the value of healthy skin. Though most conditions cannot be cured or prevented – they can be managed.

From Traditional to Alternative

For the most part, people will turn to their dermatologist for help. They’ll then likely be prescribed costly medications which often do more harm than good. Accutane, a common treatment for acne, can lead to birth defects and even Crohn’s disease. This is one of the many reasons why cannabis has become the growing preference for dealing with chronic skin conditions.

Cannabis topicals are an excellent alternative for people who want to get the therapeutic, medicinal benefits of cannabis without “getting high.”
Topical cannabis is a great way to relieve common symptoms and triggers associated with chronic skin conditions, such as:

  • Inflammation
  • Itching and burning
  • Pain
  • Infections
  • Acne
  • Bug bites
  • Scrapes and wounds

It’s important to understand how cannabis treatments can help alleviate and even cure the most common chronic skin conditions.

Eczema, Psoriasis and Cannabis

Eczema is brought on by a strained immune system which then causes an overreaction in the skin. Affecting over 30 million Americans, eczema is can be triggered by a variety of things, including stress, hormonal changes and even dehydration.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that affects around 8 million Americans. More severe cases of Psoriasis may require special systemic therapies, but nearly all Psoriasis sufferers take some type of topical treatment to ease the side-effects.

The Solution:
Use a medical cannabis topical butter or hemp oil regularly and you will notice that your condition will begin to subside. Use a topical that also has additional ingredients which support skin moisture such as coconut oil, shea butter and essential oils. Results will vary but patients have been singing the praises of topical cannabis as even the most debilitating cases transform into non-issues.


No matter your age or station in life, acne is probably at least an occasional part of your reality. Whether chronic or stress-induced, blemishes often appear on our face right when it’s the “last thing we need.” Approximately 85% of Americans will have to cope with acne outbreaks at least once in their life. When we do, we go to great lengths to get rid of it. Accounting for over $2 billion in sales, the business of zit-zapping is booming. Alleviating acne by way of cannabis allows patients to avoid the side-effects that come with the most commonly prescribed treatments. Experts have found that applying topical cannabis treatments to the affected area can decrease inflammation, redness and shrink the size of the blemish (as well as reduce scarring).
DiDi Davis is Founder of Sweet ReLeaf, a topical cannabis manufacturer located in California. Sweet ReLeaf has created one of the most effective and enjoyable topicals on the market today which is creamy and smells wonderful. As Didi says “We believe in the healing power of plants, specifically how the human endocannabinoid system communicates with the compounds found in Cannabis. We like to call it ‘Intelligent Medicine.’” In her first blog post, Didi talks about the healing relief found when using topicals and whether or not to worry about drug testing.

The Solution:
Drink plenty of water and apply a topical cannabis treatment to your blemish before bed. Be warned that smoking cannabis, could actually lead to further breakouts, so avoid it until your blemish has subsided.


Even though over 16 million Americans suffer from Rosacea, topical cannabis is seldom brought up when mentioning the condition. Rosacea causes bouts of skin flare-ups that make affected areas very dry, red and itchy. Most common among those with fair skin, Rosacea exclusively affects the facial area (cheeks, nose, chin and around the eyes) – and is not easily covered up.
There is no definitive cure for Rosacea, but it is another example of a severe skin condition which is directly affected by one’s immune system. It’s asserted by medical professionals that Rosacea flare-ups are caused by hereditary problems that erupt between the body’s immune response and its inflammatory pathways.

The Solution:
Like the other major skin conditions, inhaling cannabis will produce little to no positive benefits for Rosacea sufferers. Instead, use a cannabis-infused topical and apply regularly over a consistent period of time. This is also a good time to bulk up on healthy fats (such as coconut oil, avocado and almonds) to help support hormonal balance – another key factor in what triggers Rosacea outbreaks.

When The Whole Body Hurts

It’s important to remember that our body is one big machine and every part of it is affected when things get off-balance. Our skin is a great “caution cone” for understanding our own level of health. We are naturally linked to cannabis through our endocannabinoid system and this incredible plant seems to always know just what we need. Cannabis brings balance and healing where other medications would simply bulldoze our bodies into submission.

Be smart about your overall health. When skin conditions arise, understand that it is actually the entire body which is trying to tell you something.

Consider assessing daily activities, diet, level of exercise and sleep routine to support the overall benefits of medical cannabis. Whether your skin condition is curable or requires lifelong management – the point is not to fix the problem, but to help the body heal.

Photo credit: Geinz Angelina/


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