TechCrunch Covers HelloMD

Go to the TechCrunch article on HelloMD.

Last week we attended to Startupfest in Montreal. We had an amazing experience and we ended up winning the Grand Prize, which was a great ending to a really fun and engaging conference. If you are a startup I highly encourage your attendance to this event!

One of the best parts of the festival however was our interview with Derrell Etherington from TechCrunch. We heard he was looking for us, so Larry and I tracked him and his extremely large SLR down. After finding a spot in an empty lecture tent we spent close to 45 minutes giving him the down-low on HelloMD, what we do and what are plans are for the future. We were extremely excited to see that Derrell not only wrote an article on us but put it out later that same afternoon. The TechCrunch article nailed our vision and you can read it here.


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