Staff Picks: 5 Cannabis Strains to Go With the GoT Finale

Since its debut in April 2011, HBO’s “Game of Thrones” (GoT) has made devotees of millions of people around the world. Over the past eight years, much discussion—and debate—has flowed online, around the water cooler and over dinner at home as to who’s related to whom, what army will prevail and why Cersei won’t just die already.

And so, it’s with a heavy heart that fans head into the series finale this weekend. We all know that this is the end of a fantastic era in television. No more nail-biting, on-the-edge-of-your-seat Sundays with Jon Snow, Arya Stark and the mother of dragons.


Folks are going to have to find a way to fill the empty void that GoT once occupied. Cue tears and sniffles here. OK, OK. It’s not over yet. We’ve got one more thrilling episode to watch before the fat lady sings. So, let’s make it the best damn viewing party—of one or many—ever.

How can we do that? With cannabis, of course. HelloMD’s GoT-obsessed team members have come up with their favorite marijuana strains to enhance this Sunday’s series closer. And they give their predictions for who will take the iron throne.

1. Granddaddy Purple Cannabis Strain

Granddaddy Purple cannabis strain

Danielle L., health and wellness writer: “For the Game of Thrones finale, I’ll go with Granddaddy Purple since it’s a mellow cannabis strain that tends to enhance every situation. Also, this strain tends to make me happy and sleepy—two things I don’t anticipate being at the end of this series.

“I doubt I’ll be happy for two reasons: 1) I can’t believe that it’s over; and 2) in all of the interviews I’ve read or seen with George R.R. Martin, he’s stated that fans probably won’t be happy about the ending, but it’ll be somewhat acceptable.

“For predictions on who’ll take the iron throne, I’m tempted to say no one. But I’ll go with Sansa, because even if Daenerys burns King’s Landing to the ground, Sansa will hopefully be chillin’ and smirking up north. Plus, at this point she’s the most capable politician.”

2. Gelato Cannabis Strain

Gelato cannabis strain

Ryan G., customer service lead: “This final season of GoT has been really stressful. So, before every episode, I consume Gelato #42 to help calm my nerves. It’s a perfect hybrid for shows like this, because it eases my anxiety, but keeps me alert enough to catch anything that may be a foreshadowing.

“I also enjoy Gelato, because it has a sweeter sorbet-like taste, which makes me feel like I’m sipping some fine wine with Tyrion before he storms King’s Landing with his sister Daenerys. Yes, that’s right. I said sister.

“I think that Jon Snow will give up the iron throne to go live with the Wildlings in the north. Sansa will be the one to take the iron throne and rule with Tyrion as her hand. I also think that Tyrion will be revealed as a Targaryen, which makes him the third head of the dragon.

“Unfortunately, Dany won’t make it, because her lust for power will drive her crazy like her late father, the mad king. … It makes me sad, but no one else will make it to the end to be able to see Cersei dethroned.”

3. Jillybean Cannabis Strain

Jillybean cannabis strain

Gabby B., content manager: “We’re hosting a potluck viewing party for the GoT finale. Since I’ll be with friends, I want to offer around a cannabis strain that everyone will like and that’s good for socializing in a group. So, I’ll likely have some Jillybean on hand.

“Jillybean is great when you have a group with varying tolerance levels, as the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is typically somewhere around 13–18%, so it won’t make my cannabis newbie friends feel racy or paranoid.

“But my friends who are seasoned marijuana consumers will also enjoy themselves. Jillybean is uplifting yet mellow, so I think it’ll be perfect when watching and discussing the show with others, and will have people feeling social but relaxed.

“I also love that Jillybean’s flavor profile and aroma are citrusy—limonene is my favorite cannabis terpene. It makes me feel happy, and I like that it’s been shown to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, too.

“As for who I think will win the throne, I think Jon Snow will get over his shock about his lover being his aunt, and he and Daenerys will get married and rule all seven kingdoms together.”

4. Lamb’s Bread Cannabis Strain

Lamb’s Bread cannabis strain

Sonya T., social media manager: “I think I’ll go with Lamb’s Bread for the GoT finale. It’s my favorite strain for any occasion; it’s both calming and keeps me alert while being creatively engaged. GoT is one of those shows where anything can happen, and the writing and scenes are pretty intricate, so I like to stay aware with the least amount of anxiety possible.

“As far as who will get the iron throne? Hmmm … I’m going with Jon Snow for this one. He’s level-headed and a great leader. Although, I want it to be Arya, my personal fave, I think Jon is the most equipped for it and the most favored among the people.”

5. Blue Dream Cannabis Strain

Blue Dream cannabis strain

Miles A., editorial associate: “Blue Dream would be my cannabis strain pick for the finale. With its balance of sativa and indica elements, Blue Dream imparts calming effects that are ideal for easing you through the roller coaster finale, while the body high from this hybrid will help get folks into the scene that unfolds, specifically when Sansa Stark finally takes her place on the iron throne.

“After years of having a front row seat to see how the game is played from Westeros’ most wicked schemers, Cersei Lannister and Littlefinger, Sansa is primed and ready. I think Sansa’s the most fit to rule, because she’s the most practical and rational. Case in point, she made sure Winterfell had enough food supplies for its army before having to fight the undead, and she tried to make sure that army got enough rest before starting the long trek to the capital.

“With Brienne to lead her queensguard and the backing of the North, the Vale and Riverrun, Sansa can swoop in once all of the carnage at King’s Landing has come to an end, uniting the rest of the seven kingdoms under the lady of Winterfell’s rule.”

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If you’re new to cannabis and want to learn more, take a look at our Cannabis 101 index of articles. And if you have questions about cannabis, ask them and our community will answer.


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