NFL Player Ryan McBean Talks with HelloMD

Last week we were thrilled to welcome retired NFL player Ryan McBean and his fiancé, Stephanie Gayles, to be filmed in the HelloMD studio. Ryan spent his career as a defensive lineman in the NFL playing for the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Denver Broncos and the Baltimore Ravens. Unfortunately, his career ended with a terrible final injury to his right ankle the same year the Ravens won the SuperBowl.

Ryan came forward to talk to HelloMD about his journey with chronic pain after serious physical injuries, multiple concussions and the positive impact cannabis has had on his life. As with so many other NFL players Ryan had a long history of opioid use to deal with his physical pain, which left him both incapacitated and depressed. With cannabis he has found new hope and is able to live his life to the fullest; it has enabled him to deal with constant pain while allowing him to be mentally present and energized. His hope is tell his story and let others know that cannabis is a viable option to opioids and other narcotics when dealing with traumatic injuries. While Ryan’s physical pain may never fully heal he has found a solution with cannabis that works for him and in his own words he says ‘I am not sure what I would do if I had not found cannabis, it has given me my life back.’

We are busy editing our clips with Ryan and Stephanie where they tell their full story. As soon as we are finished we will be sure to share with you and we will be looking for additional opportunities to share with a much larger audience! HelloMD is excited to have Ryan’s story be a part of the ongoing conversation surrounding cannabis and the NFL.


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