Meet Four Cannabis Power Couples

Cannabis has a special way of bringing people together—in friendship, fun, creativity and love. People involved in the cannabis industry seem to have a special bond; the common goal and enthusiasm required to bring this medicine to the people attracts like-minded souls.

A few prominent couples in the cannabis industry have found passion both in the plant and for each other. Here are a few of our favorite cannabis power couples who work together to bring you the medicine you deserve.


Mark Hadfield & Pamela Hadfield – HelloMD

We may as well start things off with HelloMD’s own Mark and Pamela Hadfield. They founded HelloMD in 2015, bringing together Mark’s background as a tech startup entrepreneur and Pamela’s agency career in user experience design.

As CEO, Mark takes care of all aspects of the business both in and out of the office, driving the development of HelloMD’s products and services, while making key connections with leaders from all different parts of the industry. Pamela conceives of and produces events, leads the user experience design team and acts as HelloMD’s spokesperson with all things media, landing herself a shoutout in Rolling Stone magazine, as one of “Weed Warriors: Six Women Shaping the Cannabis Industry.” She also co-founded WEmpowered, whose mission is to empower women in the industry.

The industry’s better off when couples like this bring both their sparkling personalities and brainpower to the table.

Nikki Lastreto & Swami Chaitanya – Swami Select

Nikki Lastreto and Swami Chaitanya are the cannabis couple. Coming from a long history together “in various incarnations as friends, spouses, spiritual brethren, and business and land partners” since 1969, they currently raise awareness for the benefits of sun-grown cannabis at Swami Select Farms. They also judge the annual Emerald Cup and help introduce legislation for other growers to be able to hone their craft in Mendocino County.

Swami may be the more immediately recognizable of the duo, always dressed in white with his long beard, but Nikki’s extremely active in the business too, creating partnerships and co-directing the Ganja Ma Gardens Collective. Constantly together, it’s always a welcome sight to see Nikki and Swami out and about at dispensaries and cannabis events. Take advantage of any opportunity you can to talk to this couple and find inspiration for your own life, love and relationship with cannabis.


Michael Steinmetz & Flavia Cassani – Flow Kana

As co-founders of Flow Kana, and now the Flow Kana Institute, Michael Steinmetz and Flavia Cassani are on a mission to revolutionize industrial cannabis with sustainable grow and business practices featuring small-batch, boutique strains.

While Michael builds the partnerships to create a vertically integrated supply chain and finds the best growers in the Emerald Triangle (including Nikki and Swami), Flavia brings her own flair as the PR Director, creating unique social cannabis events and organizing volunteer opportunities for the staff to give back to the community. With educational opportunities and events soon to come at the Flow Kana Institute, we will certainly be hearing more from this cannabis couple who are bringing social awareness and sustainable practices to the forefront of the industry.

Cindy Capobianco & Rob Rosenheck – Lord Jones

Cindy Capobianco and Rob Rosenheck are the branding king and queen of cannabis and beyond. They’ve worked on projects together for many years—they worked together at Capobianco, the marketing and brand agency Cindy founded, partnering with companies such as Larabar, Gap and Paramount.

Always passionate about cannabis, the couple has now created high-end edible and topical brand Lord Jones. The gorgeous packaging and luxurious feel of these products have elevated people’s perception of what a cannabis product can be. The duo makes use of their celebrity-studded network to reduce the stigma of cannabis use through partnerships with the likes of Icelandic band Sigur Ros.

Passionate about building a healthy lifestyle around cannabis use, Rob and Cindy have sponsored many holistic cannabis events, including medicated sound baths and yoga classes. Here we have another shining example of the beauty that successful teamwork can bring to the world.

Main photo credit: Paz Arando

If you’re new to cannabis and want to learn more, take a look at our Cannabis 101 post. HelloMD can help you get your medical marijuana recommendation; it’s 100% online, private and efficient.


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