HelloMD Video for CannAwards 2016

HelloMD submitted our application to this year’s CannAwards for the most disruptive technology within cannabis. Each year CannAwards takes a look at the industry and celebrates leadership and innovation and the award is a shining new sledge hammer, which we hope to take home!

We had a load of fun creating our video which highlights why our platform should be selected as one of California’s finest. Here are some of the reasons we believe we should win:

We are on track to have over 1 million active users in 12 months time.

We were the first to market with a Telehealth solution for medical marijuana recommendations connecting both doctors and patients.

Our new service Answers, allows anyone from anywhere in the world to ask a question about cannabis that is answered by a doctor, brand or community member.

We partner extensively throughout the industry with brands and retailers to connect them with patients and vice versa.

We use a sledgehammer well and no watermelon goes untouched!

Wish us luck!


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