DIY Recipe: High-CBD Cannabis Tinctures

Throughout the history of medical cannabis, tinctures have been the most common form of marijuana medication. But it seems like today people are just discovering them and using them for the first time. Tinctures, alcohol or oil-based cannabis extracts, are becoming some people’s preferred marijuana consumption method because they’re easy to use, don’t involve smoking and provide an accurate dosage. Other reasons people like marijuana tinctures are that they have a long shelf life when stored properly and can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) or mixed into food or drinks. Cannabis tinctures are not only a handy option for a smoke-free consumption method, but tinctures are also discreet and can be taken on the go.

In recent years, tinctures have also become a common form of cannabis medication for children with epilepsy or for the elderly who cannot smoke. Cannabis tinctures are easy to make and customize based on your needs. Below is an easy recipe for an alcohol-based marijuana tincture where we use a cannabis strain rich in cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is an anti-inflammatory cannabinoid great for helping treat a host of health conditions. Unlike the other most well-known cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it doesn’t produce psychoactive effects.


Ingredients for High-CBD Cannabis Tinctures

  • 1 oz of high-CBD marijuana such as Canna-Tsu, ACDC or Harlequin
  • High proof alcohol (such as everclear)
  • 1 coffee filter
  • 1 air-tight 1 quart mason jar

How To Make a High-CBD Cannabis Tincture

  1. Choose your marijuana strain, we recommend Canna-Tsu, a low-THC, high-CBD strain that has good pain management properties without high levels of psychoactivity.
  2. If you’re starting with raw marijuana, you have to decarboxylate, or heat, the cannabis in order to convert cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) to CBD. (If starting with cured marijuana skip to step 4).
  3. To decarboxylate your cannabis, you’ll need to do the following: First, set your oven to 245 degrees F while you finely grind the cannabis. You can use a finer, hand-held cheese grinder. Spread the ground marijuana on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and then bake for 60–90 minutes. You’ll know when your CBD has been decarboxylated, because your cannabis will be dry, which will make it crumble easily, and it will be darker than what you started out with. Once you take the cannabis out of the oven, allow it to cool before proceeding.
  4. Mix the marijuana with high-proof alcohol in the jar. You can choose the ratio of your choice depending on how strong you want your tincture.
  5. Close the jar and place it into a cool, dark place and let it sit for 2–3 weeks, shaking the container once a day.
  6. Once ready, filter the tincture through a coffee filter and place into another jar or a dropper bottle for easy use.
  7. Store the cannabis tincture in a cool, dark place.

Customize Your Cannabis Tincture

This tincture recipe can be used with any strain of marijuana and you can also decide what strength is right for you. If taken sublingually, the effects of the tincture should be felt in roughly 15–45 minutes.

If you’re new to cannabis and want to learn more, take a look at our Cannabis 101 post. HelloMD can help you get your medical marijuana recommendation; it’s easy, private and 100% online.


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