DIY Recipe: Cannabis-Infused Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Winter’s winding down, but there’s a still a chill in the air. So, what better way to make it through the last bit of the cold season than to indulge in a little comfort food? One of my favorite dishes to help keep me warm is broccoli Cheddar soup.

Creamy, cheesy and packed with nutritious broccoli and garlic, this hot dish is sure to leave you feeling warm and toasty. This soup was a favorite for me growing up and has kept me going through many cold and snowy winters.


The infused version of this dish has all of the comfort and rich flavor of the soups mom used to make. Plus, you’ll get even more relief and the warm fuzzies when the cannabis starts to take effect.

To make things even better, it’s an incredibly easy soup to make. The whole recipe uses just one pot, making cleaning up a breeze. Plus, it’s a snap to make. It only takes around 30 minutes to create, from start to finish.

If you want to get creative with it, you can add all kind of additions. The soup goes perfectly in a bread bowl, or you can cut bread into cubes and use them for dipping. Some like to add carrots to their broccoli Cheddar soup, so feel free to chop some up and throw them in when you add the broccoli. Or would you rather add some meat protein to the mix? Bacon is a fantastic addition to throw in at the very end.

What are you waiting for? Get started, and try this quick and easy edible for yourself.


Ingredients for Cannabis-Infused Broccoli Cheddar Soup

4–6 servings

  • 4 tbsp cannabutter*
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • 12 oz shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 tbsp minced garlic
  • 32 oz chicken broth
  • 14 oz frozen broccoli
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Bread
  • Carrots
  • Bacon

*Check out our recipe for cannabutter. Use your best judgment on dosing based on your previous experiences with edibles. If you have a lower tolerance to cannabis and want to make a less potent soup, you can always substitute plain butter for part of the cannabutter.

Cooking Tools:

  • Large or medium cooking pot
  • Mixing spatula or spoon
  • Measuring cups and spoons

How to Make Cannabis-Infused Broccoli Cheddar Soup

  1. Before you begin, it’s always a good idea to make sure you have all of your ingredients and cooking tools at the ready and out on a clean surface.
  2. Put a medium or large cooking pot on the stove, and turn on low heat. Add the cannabutter, and let it melt (watching carefully to make sure it doesn’t start to burn or brown).
  3. Once melted, mix in the garlic and flour, and turn the heat up slightly. Watch for about a minute as the flour lightly browns and makes the mixture a light brown color.
  4. Add the chicken broth to the pot, turning the heat on high and stirring every few minutes to ensure even heating. Let the broth heat to a low boil.
  5. Once the broth is bubbling at a low boil, mix in the frozen broccoli and the milk. (This is also when you’d want to add in carrots if you’re using them.) Let the mixture come back up to a simmer, and then adjust the heat to keep it simmering. Continue simmering until the broccoli is cooked through and soft. You should be able to break the broccoli apart very easily with your spoon or spatula when it’s finished cooking.
  6. When the broccoli has finished cooking and is soft enough to break apart with your spoon or spatula, remove it from the heat and mix in all but half a cup of the cheese. Set the other half cup of cheese aside.
  7. Season your soup with salt and pepper to taste. The cheese already includes plenty of salt, so I just add pepper. But if you like your soup a bit more seasoned, you may want more. At this stage, you can also mix in bacon, if you’re including it.
  8. Serve immediately in a bowl or bread bowl, adding a touch of pepper and some of the remaining shredded cheese as a garnish on top of each bowl.

Photo credit: Brent Hofacker/

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