Cannabis-Based Gel Could Reduce Painful Sex for Women

Women’s sexuality has been a topic of study for thousands of years. And according to researchers, the mechanisms that lead to sexual arousal and overall pleasure in the bedroom are a complex mind-body combination of chemical, emotional and psychosocial responses.

To make things even more complicated, most of the research on sexual dysfunction has been focused on resolving men’s issues. The development of Viagra has changed the lives of millions of men, but nothing comparable exists for women—or does it?


Viagra Creator Focuses on Cannabis as a Solution for Women With Sexual Dysfunction

Researchers involved with the creation of Viagra have turned their attention to cannabis. But this time, they’re seeking sexual healing for women.

Dr. Harin Padma-Nathan is a urologist who worked on the creation of both Viagra and Cialis. Though he’s pleased that his work on Viagra has produced positive outcomes for men, he recently told the Boston Globe, “Men are more simplistic than women. Our sexual response cycle is linear, starting with desire, arousal and orgasm. Women are more complex.”

Enter Manna Molecular Science, a Massachusetts-based biotech company known for its development of transdermal cannabis patches and the MannaBot One, a 3D printing process that delivers extremely precise doses of cannabis onto the transdermal patch material.

Some women who’ve worn the patches—designed to address symptoms of pain and anxiety—have reported to Manna that other symptoms, specifically pain during intercourse, seemed to subside while they were using the patches. This piqued the interest of Dr. Padma-Nathan, who’s now the company’s chief medical officer.

Dr. Padma-Nathan is working on the development of a vaginal gel that women would use prior to intercourse. The gel is designed specifically for women who experience pain during sex.

Unlike Viagra, the product won’t require a prescription. And, unlike the rather pricey erectile dysfunction medications, it’s estimated that the vaginal gel will cost around $30 for 10 doses.

Those of you living in the U.S. may have to wait a bit for the product to hit shelves, but Canadians will have access to the gel very soon.

Research Points to a Positive Place for Cannabis in the Bedroom

There’s a growing body of evidence that for women, getting high is good for getting frisky with their partner. Cannabis has a long history as an aphrodisiac, and these concepts, borrowed largely from the Kama Sutra, segued right into the free love culture of the 1960s.


Now that scientists are studying cannabis, there seems to be evidence that when consumed wisely, cannabis can augment pleasure and decrease anxiety.

A recent study reports that women who consume marijuana prior to sex have a measurably higher likelihood of achieving orgasm.

The study’s authors noted that, among those who reported consuming marijuana before sex:

  • 68.5% of participants stated that the overall sexual experience was more pleasurable
  • 60.6% noted an increase in sex drive
  • 52.8% reported an increase in satisfying orgasms

How Does Cannabis Improve Sexual Desire?

Scientist are still puzzling over thousands of unanswered questions regarding cannabis, but the numbers of people reporting improved sexual response has prompted research. Particularly in women, there seems to be a connection between tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and the portion of the brain responsible for sexual arousal.

But before you light the candles, queue up the music and break out the vape pen, know that research has been contradictory with regard to sex and marijuana.

One of the most important findings is that cannabis appears to affect men differently than it does women. And regardless of gender, the amount of cannabis consumed can greatly affect your experience. Too little may not result in any effects, and too much may transform an amorous evening into an evening of Netflix sans the chill.

How Can I Introduce Cannabis to My Intimate Encounters?

Regardless of how experienced you are with cannabis, adding the plant to deeply intimate moments can be stressful. Cannabis is generally found to augment physical and emotional sensations, which can be absolutely incredible or incredibly frustrating.

  • Always start a new cannabis regime slowly. Consider experimenting with cannabidiol (CBD) as a way to ease anxiety. Since CBD won’t make you feel high like THC can, you’ll have the ability to remain in control and relaxed at the same time.
  • If you’re looking to bring THC into the bedroom, folks are discovering the advantages of microdosing—and what better way to experiment with this way of consuming marijuana than during sex. Microdosing consists of taking just a small amount of cannabis, enough to feel the effects you want. From there you can always increase your dose if you feel you need to.
  • If you’re considering eating a marijuana edible, remember to consume it an hour or two before your rendezvous, to give your body time to digest the active ingredients.
  • Whether you’re taking cannabis to curtail pain during intercourse or simply to spice up your sexy time, consider keeping a cannabis journal, noting what products you consumed, the amount and the results. This way, you can adjust as needed for next time.

Always remember that cannabis is only one part of a wellness-based lifestyle. You should discuss any medical conditions with your doctor—including sexual concerns.

Photo credit: 4 PM production/

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