5 Cannabis Strains to Take You From Day to Night

Sometimes, a long, hard day at work followed by dinner with clients or the boss can be a lot. If you’re the type that gets overwhelmed easily, having a little bit of cannabis on occasions like this can help you calm down and take your day one task at a time.

Then again, maybe it’s your day off, and you’re out and about with friends, and you want a little something to keep your energy up well into the night. On days like this, cannabis can make a great day even better.


Fashion blogs and magazines are awash with outfit ideas that can take you from a long day at work to a night out on the town. But are there cannabis strains that can do the same?

Of course. Many cannabis strains out there can provide enough cerebral stimulation to keep you alert, active and calm all day long.

When you’re looking for a cannabis strain that’ll hit the spot no matter the time of day, it’s best to turn to one with uplifting characteristics. In this case, sativa or sativa-dominant hybrid strains are usually your best bet.

If you’ve got an action-packed day ahead, have a look at our list of cannabis strains that’ll take you from day to night.

1. Blue Dream Is a Hit Any Time, Anywhere

Blue Dream cannabis strain

This one’s a no-brainer: Blue Dream is good any time of day, and it can be found almost anywhere. This reliable, go-to utility strain is a cross between Blueberry and Haze. Because it’s well-rounded, Blue Dream is suitable for both daytime and nighttime activities—whether it be grocery shopping or meeting up with friends at your local pub.

2. Consume Pineapple Express for Lengthy Days & Easygoing Nights

Pineapple Express cannabis strain

Don’t be fooled by Pineapple Express’s pop culture image as a potent cannabis strain. In reality, this flower is happy, easygoing and above all, manageable. You can expect to feel uplifted and giggly by Pineapple Express’s head high and gentle body buzz

Just be aware that as the effects of this strain start to fade away, you may experience a bit of drowsiness. So, be sure to carry enough for multiple helpings or pair this strain with a busy day and a mellow night out.

3. Turn to ACDC to Boost Focus & Energy—Without Any Intoxicating Effects

ACDC cannabis strain

If consuming tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and being functional don’t go together for you, consider ACDC. This high-cannabidiol (CBD) cannabis strain will help promote focus and a calm demeanor—all without the intoxicating effects of THC. Expect to feel a relaxed but uplifted high that will guide you through a long day at work to a well-deserved happy hour.

4. Choose Durban Poison for Those Days When You’re Constantly on the Move

Durban Poison cannabis strain

If you’ve got a jam-packed day ahead, turn to what is often referred to as the espresso of cannabis strains: Durban Poison. This landrace strain that hails from the South African port city of Durban is often thought of as a pure sativa. Expect a clearheaded high that’ll help you whiz through the day with enough energy to paint the town red.


5. Reach for Cinex on a Busy Day That’s Full of Mundane Errands

Cinex cannabis strain

If you’ve set aside a Sunday dedicated to banal tasks, but you’re rewarding yourself for completing them with a night out with friends, think about having a little bit of Cinex to make the day go by a little faster. This sativa-dominant cross promotes creativity and a positive disposition.

While Cinex helps increase attentiveness, it can be a bit carefree in nature, which is why its best reserved for activities that don’t require a lot of concentration.

Photo credit: InnerVisionPRO/

If you’re new to cannabis and want to learn more, take a look at our Cannabis 101 index of articles. And if you have questions about cannabis, ask them and our community will answer.


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