Our dog has lymphoma. Does anyone know a good cancer treatment for dogs?

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, Dr. Kramer, a California Vet believes there’s ample evidence to support using marijuana in veterinary patients as an alternative or adjunctive treatment for postoperative or chronic pain and also for palliative care. Although marijuana used medicinally for pets with cancer hasn’t been studied in depth, there is an interesting article on cannabis and dogs by the Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation.
The article states "As a guide, start with .5 to 1mg… use a product that has a 1:1 ratio of THC to CBD". To read more, please visit : https://www.kerryblues.info/health-wellness/cannabis-and-dogs#


Yes! Our Better Pet Relief product was designed and made specifically for dog lymphoma. My precious 12 year old pit-bull Mary Jane was diagnosed last October 2016 with Beta-Cell Lymphoma and given 3 months or less to live, with immediate and agressive chemotherapy. I refused chemotherapy and started giving her my raw cannabis juice and CBD in her food. I then formulated a raw cannabis, turmeric, and ginger combination to fight tumors, illness, fatigue, and cancer cells. She is now going on 13 years old and takes Better Pet Relief twice a day. She runs, jumps, pounces, plays, and loves life. Better Pet Relief makes your dog comfortable and gives them their life back.

She also has arthritis and sore hips from her age. The turmeric and ginger really help with those, as well as the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabis.

It’s non-psychoactive, whole plant, raw, vegan, organic, fair-trade, gluten-free, and shelf-stable. Check it out on evaonline.org


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