How do you get a medical marijuana card in Rhode Island?

"What is the process to obtain cannabis legally in RI?"

Rhode Island has had medical marijuana laws in place since 2006.

The qualifying conditions are:
-Alzheimer’s Disease
-Chronic pain
-Crohn’s disease
-Hepatitis C
-Persistent muscle spasms
-Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
-Other conditions at the discretion of the physician

Under the law, patients are allowed to possess up to 2.5 ounces. Home cultivation is permitted, with up to 12 plants and 12 seedlings. All cannabis must be cultivated in one location and be stored indoors. Interestingly, two or more medical marijuana recommendation holders may jointly cultivate marijuana in residential or non-residential locations subject to the following restrictions:

-Non-residential: no more than 10 ounces of usable marijuana, 48 mature marijuana plants, and 48 seedlings.
-Residential: no more than 10 ounces of useable marijuana, 24 mature marijuana plants, and 24 seedlings.

Finally, Rhode Island recognizes medical marijuana recommendations for from other states that certify that the patient suffers from a debilitating medical condition.


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