I just bought two products for the first time and had a bad reaction. Can you help me figure out what to try?

"They gave me a sample of rx oil caps 20mg thc indica and I took one capsule and was up all night with worse joint pain and my bones felt very heavy. I bought a spray that was 18:1 and that hasn’t helped my pain at all. I don’t want to get high but need some muscle and joint pain relief. Can you help?"

Hi there,

I’m sorry you had a bad reaction. That’s never fun and can be hard to break through a bad experience with cannabis. I urge you not to give up because you will find the right fit for yourself. It just might take some trail and errors to find the right product for your relief.

I personally do not know anything about "rx oil caps" and I don’t know much about the sprays. However, for joint pain such as arthritis I would recommended doing a topical – putting it straight on where it hurts (Sweet Relief: https://getsweetreleaf.com)

Also, CBD tinctures or vapepens could be very helpful in body pains. This company makes a pen strictly for "relief" (https://hmbldt.com/pen-relief/) or a Kurvana cartridge "Sunset tea" – https://kurebotanicals.com/product/sunt/

I hope you found this helpful and find some relief soon!

  • Nurit


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