Need Advice…

" I have been a medical marijuana patient now, since June of last yr. I have major reacurring depression, ptsd and anxiety. I have a Dr. that has put me on depression medication, but I hate taking pills. Have hated taking pill all my life. So, I don’t take the pills often. I smoke, usually hybrid, and it helps my symptoms. I have informed the Dr. recently, that I am smoking, he didn’t really seem to like the idea, asked if it is helping, left it at that, but I fear that if I continue to dis continue taking my meds, I may lose my Dr. Are there marijuana Drs. that actually see patients? Do they see them for counseling and such? "

There are doctors with offices out there for consult and provide medical marijuana certification like us. They are usually offer you opinion about medical marijuana. You would still need a psychiatrist to follow up with your psychiatric conditions. If you need to change psychiatrist, then you would have to go find a new psychiatrist. Maybe a different psychiatrist can reduce the quantity of pills you are taking. At HelloMD, we provide consultation regarding medical marijuana.


I’m hoping you remember that you’re one of many, many people who have discovered medicinal cannabis is helpful for moderating their mood, reducing their anxiety, and beneficial for a variety of PTSD symptoms such as insomnia or night terrors. For them cannabis may represent a more acceptable form of treatment than pharmaceuticals, or a reasonable method of additional treatment. For the many patients who experience adverse effects from SSRIs and other common prescriptions medicinal cannabis may even represent a superior treatment modality. This is not likely something with which your doctor will agree, but has your physician actually told you to stop using cannabis? If so, you are in a difficult position and finding another doctor sounds like it may be necessary for you. Other physicians, even if not ready to recommend cannabis, may be more open to its use by their patients. Finding a physician who actively incorporates cannabis into their practice is difficult, especially away from major urban centers. But for many patients requiring daily medication to adjust their mood or alter their focus medical cannabis has proved to be extremely helpful and worth including in their treatment plan. If you are not taking the prescriptions why is it you need to see the physician? Have you considered seeing a couselor who is a therapist rather than a physician? Your chances of finding a cannabis-friendly therapist may be better.


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