how do renew?

This is easy! Go to HelloMD and sign into your account. If you are within the 60 day window you should be prompted to renew up at the top of the screen. You will be prompted to go through your medical record and pay. Once you pay you may see the doctor. Your old rec will remain valid until the expiry date and the new one will start after the old expires. If you have questions, use the chat button on the site and our service team will assist you during the hours from 10am – 7pm. I hope this helps!


This is easy! Go to HelloMD and sign into your account. If you are within the 60 day window you should be prompted to renew up at the top of the screen. You will be prompted to go through your medical record and pay. Once you pay you may see the doctor. Your old rec will remain valid until the expiry date and the new one will start after the old expires. If you have questions, use the chat button on the site and our service team will assist you during the hours from 10am – 7pm. I hope this helps!


This is easy! Go to HelloMD and sign into your account. If you are within the 60 day window you should be prompted to renew up at the top of the screen. You will be prompted to go through your medical record and pay. Once you pay you may see the doctor. Your old rec will remain valid until the expiry date and the new one will start after the old expires. If you have questions, use the chat button on the site and our service team will assist you during the hours from 10am – 7pm. I hope this helps!


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