looking for an MD in boulder or denver to help with anxiety using CBD/THC

Are you looking for an MD to talk to and advise you? Unfortunately, our doctors are over video but can only practice within the states we operate in- California and New York. I Am not a doctor but I can give you general advice based on what I have learned.

CBD is known for having anti anxiety qualities and has the added bonus of being non psychoactive. You can take a ratio of CBD to THC such as 1:1 or 4:1 or even 20:1. A single dose of 1:1 may be borderline psychoactive but a 4:1 would not be at all. You could choose to take a tincture on an ongoing basis which would allow you to function and possibly lower your anxiety. Vaping is also a choice and easy enough as well.

THC for some may lower anxiety but keep in mind with a high percentage of THC in most strains, it may increase your anxiety. Unless you try, it is hard to tell you what might happen as we all react differently.

here is an article we wrote on anxiety and cannabis earlier this year:


Hi There,

Being a Boulder native, I would recommend Healthy Choices Unlimited. They have provided over 20,000 recommendations to locals. I have always received reports of the doctors putting patients at ease and being thorough in their diagnosis and explanation of medical marijuana use specific for your needs.

I want to touch on a point Pamela made about using a vaporizer. I find that folks needing a fast relieve from anxiety require a quick, efficient, and discreet method of consumption. Vaping is a great option here. The Grasshopper Vaporizer is handmade in Boulder, CO and has a 5 second heat up time. It looks just like a pen and can be discreetly carried with you anywhere you go! Check it out on grasshoppervape.com.


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