Products for Parkinson's Disease

"Can someone please recommend any cannabis products to help with Parkinson’s disease? And opinions about using cannabis for the treatment would be very much appreciated. Thank you. "

Hello and sorry for the late reply. I’ve posted a link below of our articles and questions related to Parkinson’s. I think the articles will give you some useful background info and insights on how cannabis can help with pain, etc.

I’ve also linked an article/interview/video with the folks from MoonMan’s Mistress. They make paleo and "clean" edibles and work very closely with people with Parkinson’s. The co-owners are Liz, who was inspired by her own diagnosis with autoimmune diseases to start the company, and Jamel, a personal trainer who works with Parkinson’s patients. I think you will find a lot of good info from them not only about cannabis for Parkinson’s but also on a holistic approach to help feel good. Hope this was helpful!




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