What dosage of THCA and CBDA should I take for degenerative joint disease?

"I am interested in taking the THCA and CBDA tinctures for my degenerative joint disease. I am 65 years old, 5’6", and weigh 151. What is a good dosage. I like the fact that these are non psychoactive so I can do my regular activities and work. Please advise. "

There are two options to choose from of THCA or CBDA tinctures from: One is 10mg/ml which is 0.25mg of cannabinoids per drop and the other is 30mg/ml which is 0.75mg of cannbanoids per drop. I always say start small and work your way up as you have your own inherent tolerance and will also build tolerance every 2-3 weeks. So start with 1 drop twice daily of the 10mg/ml and see how you feel after a day. Some people will need 1 drop and others will need a whole dropperful based on their own tolerance for full effect.


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