I have a card in Ca for migraines, I also live in NY, can I use this as a recommendation for chronic pain?

Chronic pain as defined by 10 NYCRR §1004.2(a)(8)(xi) is a qualifying condition for the New York Medical Marijuana Program. Chronic pain is defined as any severe debilitating pain that the practitioner determines degrades health and functional capability; where the patient has contraindications, has experienced intolerable side effects, or has experienced failure of one or more previously tried therapeutic options; and where there is documented medical evidence of such pain having lasted three months or more beyond onset, or the practitioner reasonably anticipates such pain to last three months or more beyond onset. Migraines may be a chronic disease for some, which can significantly diminish quality of life. More than 4 million adults experience chronic daily migraine – with at least 15 migraine days per month. Medication overuse is the most common reason why episodic migraine turns chronic.


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