Is there a cannabis solution similar to Viagra?

Not that I am aware of and this is not an uncommon question. Many people ask whether marijuana can help with ED too, and the answer could be yes or it could be no. In some instances cannabis can help alleviate anxiety and increase sexual desire in which case the answer might be yes. In other instances, it could increase anxiety in which case the answer would be no.

Cannabis can help release oxytocin which allows two partners to feel more bonded, so it can very much be a sexual stimulant. There have been studies though that show there may be a link between ED and and marijuana.

You may want to read this article: https://www.hellomd.dev/health-wellness/56dfc429ab06d80008000095/cannabis-and-male-sexual-performance

If ED is not an issue for you and it is more about sexual stimulation the question is what strain or product is best for you. My preference in this arena is always edibles. Other people prefer to smoke flower or vape. The key is finding the right amount and not overdoing it.

Hope this helps!


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