THC for multiple sclerosis?

"my mom was diagnosed with ms 17 years ago, she has 80% damage to both of her legs and has been taking pills to relief the pain and to help her move around a bit but it’s been getting worse. a friend of ours recommended marijuana as a possible treatment. my mom has been taking thc for over a month orally but it has been causing dizziness and nausea, so she started taking rectal cannabis. now the spasms have been reduced and her walking has improved a little, we have heard stories of people with progressive ms who have been taking thc for months and their condition has been improving, does anyone have experience with rectal cannabis? does it help? please reply. :)"

Cannabis is well absorbed through the rectum. Use a whole plant extract of CBD rich cannabis, as THC (or any of the cannabinoids) in isolation is far less effective than whole plant preparations. Tinctures and topicals can also provide effective relief.


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