I am am looking for a doctor for my PTSD, BiPolar Disorder. I also have DDD and suffer with arthritis and Nervous Stomach and High Blood Pressure. Will cannabis help me?

"I am 53 and I have been diagnosed with PTSD BiPolarDisorder and I have DDD and suffer with arthritis and Nervous Stomach and High Blood Pressure. I have been or Standard medicines sense I was 19 years old medicine stop have any effects on me in my 30s I have suffered because I refused to take the medicine because I knew it was harmful to my organs.. I have faith that medical marijuana is my last hope!! please help me get the card and the medicine that I need to have a somewhat normal life Pain free as much as can be anyways! "

If you are in California – you can connect with a doctor right here on our website. Just click ‘Talk to a Doctor’ top right – and follow the instructions to get connected.

If you are outside of California, we will soon be a launching a national directory of local doctors that can help you.


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