Need recommendations for Ovarian Cancer

"My Mother is 86 and was diagnosed 1 yr ago with Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. She had initial success with chemotherapy cutting her C125 levels by nearly 90%, but had to stop due to side effects. She takes many meds including Butrans patch for pain (7.5 mcg / wkly,) Cymbalta for pain & depression, and Oxycodone for break-thru pain. We live in Michigan, so medical cannabis is legal, and her Oncologist said he’d do the necessary paperwork for her to get a Medical Marijuana card, but I cannot find a doctor who seems all that knowledgeable about various strains, strengths/concentrations, delivery methods, possible interactions etc., for treating both the symptoms and the disease. We are hoping to shrink the tumor and control pain (periodic stomach cramping + constant allover aching.) In addition, she suffers from depression, anxiety, extreme fatigue and insomnia and we are hoping to find some relief with various strains of marijuana. The Butrans patch manages her pain well enough that she only has breakthrough pain bad enough to need oxycodone about 1-3 x week. But we hope if we can find another way to ease her pain she could lower the dose and that might lessen the fatigue. Can you recommend some specifics that we should ask about?"

Cannabis strains and products can have considerable variability. I would reccomend a whole plant cannabis tincture extract with a high percentage of CBD. Start with a small dose and observe for response and increase the dose as needed. Your mother may also benefit from inhaled cannabis, which will provide immediate relief. Cannabis is very safe and should not have any negative interactions with her other medications.


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