How do Make A Marijuana Face Mask?

" Cannabis is an anti-inflammatory, a pain reliever and needs to be in your next DIY face mask. Tons of beauty products in the market are already full of hemp oil, a natural derivative from the cannabis seed. "

I strongly believe that we can use CBD oil in the face mask products . Its anti-inflammatory properties can play beneficial role in the treatment of Akne Vulgaris and Rosecea. CBD oil is a great moisturizer and sealant for just about any skin type. It’s non-comedogenic which means it can moisturize your skin without clogging your pores. Even oily skin types can benefit from adding a CBD oil-based moisturizer into daily skin care as it balances out the skin and helps it regulate oil production. You can prepare your own products, for example – infused honey or olive / coconut oil as a base for your masks and creams.


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