I have Afib. Do you have any reviews or results on use of your CBD only tinctures or oils in regards to Atrial Fibulation .

"I currently take 5 of Bisoprolol ( beta blocker) to control it. I have anxiety so I take .5 Clonazapam twice daily. I was diagnoisef with PTSD after a car accident 8 years ago. Doctors are reluctant to advise on use of CBD for AFib . They know alcohol and marijuana can stimulate AFib as it effects the adrenaline and thatโ€™s what the beta blockers prevent to stop episodes . "

The Heart Rhythm Society reported earlier this year that cannabis does not increase risk of heart arrhthmias and may in fact reduce risk of a-fib as a-fib is less common in those use cannabis. This is a preliminary result and should be used in common. Further evidence is required to determine the mechanisms of protective benefit. Patients with a-fib are at increased risk of stroke and heart attack therefore first line therapy should always be followed where feasible. Please discuss the results of this study with your cardiologist so they are able to contextualize to your medical history

Wendy NP

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