What should I use to help with daily chronic migraines?

There was a recently published retrospective chart review which showed promising results; the most significant finding was that cannabis drastically reduced the number of migraine headaches.
Further, a very recently performed clinical trial showed that those who received a 200mg dose each day for three months, experienced significantly less pain. There is also a plethora of anecdotal evidence which suggests that cannabis is an effective treatment for migraine headaches.

The understanding of migraine pathophysiology has evolved from the belief that migraine headaches are a vascular disorder, to evidence that better defines migraines as a neurogenic disorder associated with secondary changes in brain perfusion. THC has been shown to reduce neuropathic pain independant of vasocontsriction (blood vessel narrowing). THC also increases cerebral serotonin levels which leads to vasoconstriction (blood vessel narrowing) — this is the same mechanism of action as sumitriptan (Imitrex).


Here is an example protocol I would recommend to some migraine patients:
(1) a nightly dose of an indica edible, such as
(2) one to four doses of a highCBD: lowTHC edible/tincture/oil, such as the 18:1 chocolate bar found at
(3) Because they offer the quickest and most convenient method of delivery, when actually experiencing a migraine headache, I highly recommend vaporizer pens. As every migraine patient knows, the sooner treatment starts, the more likely pain relief will be achieved. I highly recommend vaporizer pens from Dosist because they allow for more repeatably consistent doses than do other inhalation methods. This formula would be my #1 recommendation — especially if the migraine is accompanied with nausea.
If products with a high THC concentration easily cause the patient’s anxiety to rise, I’d recommend

Please consult with a physician before starting any cannabis treatment regimen.


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alison leton

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