DIY Recipe: How to Make Cannabis Honey

Insomnia Can Ruin the Day

If you’re anything like me, you’ve likely experienced your fair share of insomnia in your life. My chronic insomnia has me feeling exhausted almost on a daily basis. And my sleepless nights throw off my schedule as I’m often too tired to complete routine tasks like buying groceries or hitting the gym.

Having insomnia is not only frustrating, but it can also make you more susceptible to viruses and colds. It turns out one in three Americans will experience insomnia at some point in their lives. Whether it’s a chronic condition for you, or caused by an external factor like pain due to a recent injury, insomnia can cause extreme disruption to your daily life.

Sleeping Pills Arenโ€™t a Great Solution for Insomnia

Sleeping pills are often the only advertised option for the many people who struggle with sleep. Many sleeping pills are benzodiazepines, which can be addictive with sustained use. Other sleeping pills, like Ambien, aren’t as habit forming, but can have some other problematic side effects.


The side effects from sleeping pills can range from stomach discomfort to headaches, all which negate the positive effects of a good nightโ€™s sleep. Plus, if you’re anything like me, the idea of depending on a pill to fall asleep every night doesnโ€™t make you feel all that great.

That’s why I’ve tried to find natural alternatives to taking pharmaceuticals. Cannabis allows me a natural alternative for promoting sleep. It helps ease me into sleep without any side effects that can come from sleeping pills the doctor has prescribed. Both cannabinoids THC and CBD help get me to sleep. And they help me stay asleep through the course of the night.

DIY Cannabis-Infused Honey

Cannabis honey has been a way for me to incorporate my cannabis consumption into my nightly before-bedtime routine. Cannabis honey is easy to make and can be taken on its own or mixed into tea. Here’s how to make cannabis honey.

What You Need

  • One ounce of ground cannabis
  • 5 pounds of honey
  • Cheese cloth and cooking twine
  • Slow cooker

How to Make It

First wrap the cannabis in cheese cloth and tie it off with the twine. Add the cannabis to the slow cooker and pour the honey all over it. Run the slow cooker on low for five hours and be sure to stir it occasionally. Turn the slow cooker off and let the honey cool for up to 24 hours. I like to sterilize a bell jar for the honey so that I can store it in a cool, dry place for up to eight months.

Selecting your Cannabis

The strain of cannabis you choose is up to you because each person responds differently to varying levels of THC and CBD. Often indica strains are a good choice for insomnia, and different balances of CBD and THC can be helpful based on the cause of your insomnia.

Check out suggestions for some good strains of cannabis for insomnia. Also consider looking for strains of cannabis that are produced without pesticides, because whatever pesticides are on your cannabis will get transferred into your honey. I like to select an organic honey that’s locally produced, because the quality of your ingredients factors into the quality of your finished product.

This cannabis-infused honey recipe can also be made in smaller batches depending on what works best for you. I love to mix cannabis-infused honey into my nightly tea. The slow release of cannabinoids due to the edible format of the marijuana helps me relax and keeps me asleep all night long. I wake up happy and refreshed.

Do you have questions about about cannabis? Ask a question on HelloMD’s New Answers. A doctor or member of our community will answer.

If you’re new to cannabis and want to learn more, take a look at our Cannabis 101 post. HelloMD can help you get your medical marijuana recommendation; it’s 100% online, private and efficient.


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