What are the Ohio Medical Marijuana Laws?

Marijuana is currently legal for medical use in Ohio, while adult-use cannabis is being pressured to be added to the 2022 ballot. For the time being, you are going to need a medical marijuana card to purchase cannabis in Ohio.

Lawmakers passed a law to establish a medical cannabis program for Ohioans in 2016. As of 2021, the program benefits roughly 100,000 registered patients throughout the state.

Cannabis accessibility is a great first step for Ohio, but consumers must still understand that marijuana is not fully legal in the state, and there are still consequences for disobeying laws.

This post will dive into the nuanced laws of Ohio and break down what you need to do to follow the marijuana rules in the state.


What are the Requirements to Obtain a Medical Marijuana Card in Ohio?

Currently, only medical marijuana is legal in Ohio. That means you cannot just walk into a dispensary and purchase cannabis, you need to be a marijuana patient with a valid medical card.

These are the requirements for patients to obtain a medical card in Ohio:

  • Both minors and adults can legally obtain a medical marijuana card. In Ohio, you can get a medical marijuana card for a minor with parental/guardian consent.
  • To get your card, an ID is required to prove identity (US Passport, Tribal ID, Driver’s License or State ID.)
  • You must also provide proof of address (Bank statement, Utility bill, Correspondence with a state department).
  • Some physicians will also require medical records in order to grant a medical card. These include progress notes, a health summary, a list of diagnoses, a medication list (or pictures of prescription bottles).
  • In order to be granted access to medical marijuana in Ohio, you must be diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition and receive a recommendation from a physician approved by the state.

Below are the qualifying conditions according to the State of Ohio:

  • AIDS
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Alzheimerโ€™s disease
  • Cachexia
  • Cancer
  • Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
  • Crohnโ€™s disease
  • Epilepsy or another seizure disorder
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Glaucoma
  • Hepatitis C
  • Huntingtonโ€™s disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Pain that is either chronic and severe or intractable
  • Parkinsonโ€™s disease
  • Positive status for HIV
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Spasticity
  • Spinal cord disease or injury
  • Terminal illness
  • Touretteโ€™s syndrome
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Ulcerative colitis

The following basic info is required for patients to complete the registration form to receive a medical marijuana card in Ohio:

  1. Full name (First/Last)
  2. Gender (M/F/O)
  3. Date of birth
  4. Current physical address
  5. List your qualifying conditions
  6. Are you renewing an existing medical marijuana card?
  7. Are you a caregiver, or do you require one?
  8. Have you been diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizotypal conditions?
  9. You must upload your medical records
  10. Are you pregnant? (female only)
  11. Are you nursing? (female only)


What are the Laws for Medical Marijuana Patients in Ohio?

There are also specific laws for those who obtain a medical marijuana card and wish to legally consume cannabis in Ohio.

The State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy has adopted a resolution to permit medical marijuana dispensaries to conduct sales to patients and caregivers outside the dispensary via curbside pickup services.

  • Patients and caregivers are permitted by law to possess up to a 90-day supply of medical marijuana, to be determined by the physician. Per state law, a patient who purchases a 30-day supply from their first dispensary trip would be limited to no more than a 60-day supply of medical marijuana until 90 days after the initial purchase.

  • Smoking is not an approved method of delivery, as per HB 523. As per Ohioโ€™s medical marijuana law, โ€œOnly the following forms of medical marijuana may be dispensed under this chapter: oils, tinctures, plant material, patchesโ€. Vaping is allowed.

  • Patients can now purchase MMJ in two 45-day windows rather than having to wait for 90 days. These orders can also be taken over the phone and arranged for curbside pickup to allow for safe social distancing practices.

  • Even qualifying patients cannot grow cannabis in Ohio. All products must be bought from licensed dispensaries.

  • At the moment, Ohio does not recognize another stateโ€™s medical marijuana card. However, Ohio is working to develop a reciprocity program with states that recognize an Ohio medical marijuana identification card.

  • Registered marijuana patients are protected from arrest, prosecution, and discrimination in child custody matters. Registration status alone cannot be used as the basis for a DUI investigation, nor can patients be discriminated against when seeking either organ transplants or housing.

  • Employers do not have to accommodate employeesโ€™ on-site use, but prospective employers cannot refuse to hire due to a personโ€™s registry status.

  • The above legal protections do not take effect until the patient has been issued a medical cannabis registration card.


How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Ohio

Securing a medical marijuana card in Ohio is the only way to legally consume cannabis in the state.

Follow these steps to meet with a virtual physician and obtain your medical card:

  1. Create an account using a valid email address and choosing a password. (You need to verify your account w/ a code on your phone).
  2. You’ll be asked to complete a brief questionnaire of personal and health information and to either take or upload a photograph of identification.
  3. Pay for your online consultation ($199 1st time/$149 renewal). They are valid for one year.
  4. You will need a smartphone, computer, or tablet with a reliable internet connection and a working camera to be seen by a provider.
  5. Next, you will be taken to the virtual waiting room where you’ll be connected to a provider for a video chat (i.e., a virtual doctor’s visit).
  6. You will receive a text message to your cell phone when the provider is ready to see you. During the video chat, the provider will assess your health situation to determine if you qualify for a medical marijuana certification.
  7. If approved, you will be emailed the state Registry Card (Medical Marijuana Card) and will have to activate it via their email, which will contain a link to the registry.
  8. Then create your own password for the health portal.
  9. You will receive your Ohio MMJ card via email as soon as you pay the state card fee ($50).

While the laws of cannabis are always changing. These basics will keep you protected and help you obtain your medical card in Ohio.

Get a Medical Marijuana Card Online

It’s easy to get your medical marijuana document with the online Telehealth service HelloMD. Register, pay, and receive an online medical consultation with a licensed practitioner and purchase medical cannabis today. You don’t pay unless you’re approved!


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