Celebrating Lizzie Post’s Book “Higher Etiquette”

I’ve always been a big fan of manners, and in our modern world it seems there should be more emphasis placed on them. Just because everyone else has their nose glued to their phone at the dinner table doesn’t mean you should, too.

Not only is there a greater need for etiquette, but things seem to have actually become more complicated. For instance, are you obliged to accept a friend request from a client? Is it rude not to respond to every single text you receive? Can you bring cannabis as a gift to a dinner party? If so, what kind of cannabis should you bring?


Thankfully, Lizzie Post answers my last questions in her newly released book “Higher Etiquette: A Guide to the World of Cannabis, from Dispensaries to Dinner Parties.” When it comes to cannabis manners, mainstream society can be in the dark. But Lizzie, great-great granddaughter of renowned manners expert Emily Post, is here to fill us in.

Lizzie has written more than a handful of etiquette books on just about everything. She knows:

  • Where to put the salad fork on the dinner table
  • How to address a sensitive topic at work
  • When to put your phone on airplane mode
  • How to share your vape pen at a dinner party

Cannabis Who’s Who Attend High Society Event

So, when cannabis personality and event planner, Elise McRoberts, invited me to her party for Lizzie celebrating her book launch, how could I say no?

Elise is well known on the cannabis scene in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her cannabis consumption parties are legendary, and she threw down some serious etiquette and classy cannabis aesthetics at this latest gathering, called “High Society: An elegant evening exploring sophisticated cannabis culture.” The party included a book signing by Lizzie, a host of California cannabis brands including Garden Society and Satori Chocolates, plus around 150 guests.


Walking into the sun-filled event space, I was struck by the array of cannabis products surrounding me, as well as live cannabis plants dotting the room and outdoor deck.

I spotted Elise, putting the finishing touches on some cannabis floral arrangements, pausing now and again to have her nails decorated by the resident nail artist of the evening. I could tell it was going to be a fun night.

More than a year out from cannabis legalization in California, it was heartening to be a part of a gathering celebrating the rise of cannabis into mainstream culture. The highlight of the evening was a conversation between Lizzie Post and cannabis luminary Nikki Lastreto, co-founder of cannabis brand Swami Select and an Emerald Cup judge.

Elise moderated the dialogue between Lizzie and Nikki in front of the cannabis-friendly crowd. During the hour-long conversation, they touched on the legacy of Emily Post and The Post Institute, a family business focused on the evolution of standards in etiquette.

Then, Lizzie and Nikki spoke about the importance of sharing personal stories and coming together around cannabis in order to decrease stigma surrounding the plant. Lizzie revealed her deep appreciation of cannabis, and its impact on her life.

In Lizzie’s words: ”Like every culture, cannabis culture has its own etiquette. Due to the wave of legalization, this makes it the right time for The Emily Post Institute to explore, celebrate and share cannabis etiquette with the world.”

Nikki went on to emphasize the responsibility of consumers to seek out cannabis products that are produced sustainably and equitably. The conversation went on to cover the importance of values such as respect, honesty and consideration when discussing cannabis consumption, to bring people together rather than isolate them. Nikki felt this was especially important because people share different viewpoints regarding marijuana.

Nikki noted: “In my world, cannabis is all about sharing and not only the joint or the pipe. It’s about respectfully sharing knowledge and stories and creating a bond between people, always with respect and consideration. I have no doubt Emily Post would approve."

How the High Society Event & Higher Etiquette Book Challenge Negative Views on Marijuana

As the conversation began to wind down, Elise commented that Lizzie’s book “helps change any negative views on cannabis and furthers general education.”

“Higher Etiquette” answers questions like:

  • How do I respectfully consume cannabis at someone’s home?
  • What are the rules for passing around a joint?
  • What do I do once I cross through the door of a dispensary?

Combining Cannabis & Etiquette Makes Sense

While enjoying the company of friends, I saw Lizzie, whom I hadn’t met before, enter the room. She wore a paisley taupe and brown wrap dress along with a wide, bright smile.

I said to her, “Your dress is amazing.”

To which she replied, “It was my grandmother’s. She would both turn in her grave and be ecstatic that I’m here at my own cannabis book launch and wearing her dress.”

We laughed, understanding the implication of being an heiress of etiquette while also representing marijuana, an unlikely combination even today when 47 states have some kind of marijuana legalization or decriminalization law on the books.

And yet, Lizzie gracefully embodies sophistication and elegance. Signaling that the cannabis industry and cannabis consumer have come a long way from the hippie stoner days.

Photo credits: Nadia Hucko (main image, left), Josh Miller (body image)

If you’re new to cannabis and want to learn more, take a look at our Cannabis 101 index of articles. And if you have questions about cannabis, ask them and our community will answer.


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