With diffuse glioma (brain tumor)and symptom of weak muscles, will SRO help?

"My husband went from Texas to San Diego; got SRO MMJ. Had trouble walking onto the plane–finally managed with help. On the first day in SD started the MMJ. Second day I gave him too much and he hallucinated; so stopped treatment because on the second and third days he could not walk to the bathroom because leg muscles cannot hold him–seems to be the major symptom of his tumor although he is a little disoriented, too, but no pain. I have him in the hospital now and will shortly transfer him to SNF. I am wondering, with his current condition, if the MMJ will help him recover beyond the muscle weakness and get him back to health that I can treat him with the remainder of the MMJ–which should take 2-3 months to finish 60 grams. Do you believe his lack of mobility is beyond correction because of the diffuse glioma having advanced too far to reverse? Or might the MMJ help him become more mobile?"

RSO: Rick Simpson Oil is generally a very highly concentrated oil of THC. The recipe is now being offered by many providers but, was originally a product developed by Rick Simpson who has been teaching and sharing his recipe and story for several years. He was published a book and describes the recommended protocol in the manuscript. I am including a link here that will take you to other links including to the book so you can do some additional reading.


Most people cannot tolerate the goal of 1gram of THC per dose, especially if new to cannabis use, and have to slowly work up to the dosing. It is recommended you start with a very small amount (grain of rice size for several doses and slowly increase over weeks). Every individual has their own sensitivity to the effects of THC and rate of increase should be determined by tolerance of side effects and cannabis itself.

As the dosing is slowly increased, say every few days, the side effects begin to mitigate, but I strongly suggest you spend sometime reviewing the information available on RSO to improve you chances of successful dosing for your husband.

Having a high CBD concentration sublingual solution on hand is helpful as well as when the side effects of THC are too disturbing; high CBD concentrations can mitigate or reverse the THC effect.


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