Where can I find a tincture that is made with the following?

"CBD 28 > 1 THC, MCT oils, Indica, and the ‘whole flower’ ?"

Many CBD oils are whole plant sativa with a THC content of less than 0.3% (hemp by definition). Indicas are typically highTHC so I am doubtful that you will find a high CBD indica variety. Charlotte’s Web, Haleigh’s Hope, and Palmetto Harmony are a few of the safe and reputable varieties that can be found in dispensaries and/or online. They are usually anywhere from 24-28:1 CBD:THC, and are tested for heavy metals, solvents, pesticides, mold, and bacteria, which is very important. They have varying terpene and cannabinoid profiles so one might be more effective than another for any particular patient. All of these varieties are used extensively for treating seizures, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, and psychosis. Besides being an anti-convulsant, anti-spasmodic, mood stabilizer, and anti-psychotic, CBD is a potent anti-inflammatory, relieves neuropathic and inflammatory pain, is neuro- and gastro-protective, lowers gastric acidity, suppresses appetite, and potentiates the pain relieving effects of THC.


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