Squamous Cell Carcinoma Matastisis to Lymph Nodes, will topical cannibis lotion help, follow up

"Cannibis topical to tumor, squamous cell carcinoma.
Dr. Vandeveer answered my first question, thank you very much. Just to be clear my sister has vaginal squamous cell carcinoma which has spread to her lymph nodes, one of which is swelling up her face. In this case is the topical still a good idea for that tumor. She is bedridden and in Hospice Care but the tumors, now on both sides are preventing her from swallowing well and or opening her mouth very wide just to give meds. Thank you again. "

If cancer has metastasized to lymph nodes, you should be ingesting cannabis and also be involved with a dermatologist and/or oncologist to learn about conventional treatments. I would continue to use cannabis topically as well. Cannabis has been shown to help eliminate cancer cells, prevent metastasis and prevent angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels in malignant growths). I would reccomend a hash oil/hemp oil/rick simpson oil/FECO orally that contains both THC and CBD.


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