I suffer from osteoarthritis, anxiety and restless leg syndrome. I want to get off drugs. I'm 78 yrs old.

" I want to remove chemicals from my maintenance program and try alternatives. I need help!"

You very likely are suffering from vitamin and mineral deficiencies giving you the restless leg syndrome. I frequently say to people, "your body can’t call you on the telephone to tell you it needs more nutrients, it sends you internal signals, like restless legs syndrome, yet most doctors will drug this because they have no idea how to help you nutritionally, most doctors only studied how to drug you. If you drug the symptoms your body has to scream louder to get the attention but people go back to the same doctor and get another drug the does not fix the problem." Are you on a proton pump inhibitor also? Are you taking Vitamin D3? Do you take calcium? You should not take calcium but you need to eat vegetables and a variety of colorful vegetables is best. Proton pump inhibitors which are very popular prevent the uptake of your nutrients from your foods. You very likely are
B vitamin deficient and the best laboratory I know of for you to be tested is from SpectraCell Laboratory in Houston.
In planning to get off drugs, consider starting a high CBD, low THC sublingual tincture at a low dose several times per day, in addition, you may obtain an oral spray of CBD : THC tincture in 4 : 1 ratio for pain and use it 2-3 times per day as you reduce your pain medications. Cut back on the dose if you notice any dizziness because you do need to start low and go up slowly. Topical cannabis salves work great also and can give hours of pain relief from joint pain and muscle spasms.
I believe anxiety becomes a worse the more we ignore the symptoms our body is trying to communicate. Use up to approximately 20- 30 drops a day of a high CBD, low THC sublingual tincture for approximately a month to see how much you can improve and reduce your pain drugs over time but consult your pharmacist since some drugs must be slowly weaned, such as benzodiazepines but others you can discontinue rapidly. Your symptoms should improve significantly but if you need further help, we are here to help you. I have had many patients over 75 decide to improve their health so you can be successful if you have that determination. Your health is a great thing to work on perfecting.


Here in the U.S., arthritis is the most common form of disability. There are many forms of arthritis drugs. For osteoarthritis, the most commonly used drugs include: opiates such as Vicodin and Percocet, muscle relaxers such as Tramadol and Ultram, and over the counter NSAIDs such as Advil and Aleve.

Naturally, many would like to avoid taking these arthritis drugs if possible. So thousands are now turning to cannabis to help replace or at least reduce the dosages of the aforementioned drugs.

Studies finding that the endocannabinoid system has receptors present in the synovium of joints have suggested to researchers that cannabinoids may be beneficial for addressing the pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Preclinical studies have also demonstrated cannabisโ€™ anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects, supporting the idea that the endocannabinoid system is involved in alleviating pain associated with arthritis.


Here are the products I most recommend to help address arthritic pain:

https://dosist.com/formulas/ – "Relief" formula," which is a 2CBD:1THC vaporizer pen. I recommend vaporizer pens by dosist because, unlike conventional vaporizer pens, they buzz after a single metered dose – which allows for the most precise dosing among all inhalation methods. For most of my patients, I recommend one to two puffs every one to three hours as needed.

I recommend the 2:1 spray . Each spray delivers 2.6mg of CBD and 1.3mg of THC. I recommend sprays because they are easier to use than are oils and tinctures. For most of my patients, I recommend one to two sprays as needed, as frequently as every hour.

Lord Jones 1:1 Pain and Wellness Formula Body Lotion. Apply to affected area as frequently as every two hours.

I recommend the 18:1 bar. Each 1/4 piece contains 20mg CBD and 1.1mg THC. Take 1/4 of the bar as frequently as every two hours.


Here are the products I most recommend to help address arthritic pain:

https://dosist.com/formulas/ – "Relief" formula," which is a 2CBD:1THC vaporizer pen. I recommend vaporizer pens by dosist because, unlike conventional vaporizer pens, they buzz after a single metered dose – which allows for the most precise dosing among all inhalation methods. For most of my patients, I recommend one to two puffs every one to three hours as needed.

I recommend the 2:1 spray . Each spray delivers 2.6mg of CBD and 1.3mg of THC. I recommend sprays because they are easier to use than are oils and tinctures. For most of my patients, I recommend one to two sprays as needed, as frequently as every hour.

Lord Jones 1:1 Pain and Wellness Formula Body Lotion. Apply to affected area as frequently as every two hours.

I recommend the 18:1 bar. Each 1/4 piece contains 20mg CBD and 1.1mg THC. Take 1/4 of the bar as frequently as every two hours.


Im not a doctor and I have not suffered from restless leg syndrome, but I do do a lot of reading on a variety of medical conditions and how cannabis / marijuana may help. There is new research that supports that cannabis does indeed help with restless leg syndrome, which is said to affect 1 in 10 people at some point in their life (although that number seems very high to me).

Restless leg syndrome is a condition where a person feels the need to move their legs and it is a disorder that affects the central nervous system. Weirdly, the desire to move your legs comes when sitting or lying down, which makes sleeping very difficult and also may lead people to have increased anxiety.

Unfortunately, from what I have read, long term use of pharmaceuticals for this condition may actually lead to the condition worsening. If I understand correctly, many arthritis drugs may be similar to those for RLS. Leg massages and alternative therapies are often suggested for those who suffer with RLS.

There is good news in that cannabis has been found to be helpful to many people who suffer from restless leg syndrome. Dopamine agonist drugs have shown to have a positive effect on symptoms. Cannabis on its own actually helps with dopamine release in our own systems within our endocannabinoid system which has a series of CB1 and CB2 receptors throughout the body, without any negative side effects. It is similar to how marijuana works well with Parkinson’s disease. I hope this helps!


Hello, to add to Dr. Kim’s answer re: trying a more natural alternative (cannabis) in lieu of arthritis drugs, we have a few articles you may want to read that could be helpful. The one linked at bottom is authored by Didi, founder of Sweet Releaf cannabis topicals. She makes mention of the various arthritis drugs that are typically prescribed/used. As well, she references a study that chronicled patients who have found pain relief applying her topicals to arthritic joints. And she also includes a bit on acupuncture as well as a few other alternative therapies such as hot/cold therapy, meditation, etc that could help ease arthritis pain. As well, here’s a link to an article on the top 10 high-CBD marijuana strains for anxiety: https://www.hellomd.dev/health-wellness/57f2b7f12b1e99000a671ac3/top-10-high-cbd-marijuana-strains-for-anxiety. This list includes strains such as ACDC, Harlequin and Canna-Tsu that have been reported as helping reduce anxiety. Hope these help!


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