Healthiest way to consume medicinal marijuana?

"I don’t like the effects of inhaling smoke or vapor. Would edibles be the healthiest way?"

It depends on the reason that you are using Medical marijuana, different forms may be more or less beneficial depending on the type of effect you are looking for.


The healthiest way to consume cannabis(aka medical marijuana) is to eat it raw like a vegetable! Cannabis is the new kale, with a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals, a complete protein, the perfect ratio of omega 3:6, over 400 identified cannabinoids, the largest array of terpenes in all the plant kingdom.

By consuming cannabis raw, it is water-soluble and bio-available at a 99% rate, compared to only 6% rate with fat-soluble edibles that have been activated (such as the brownies/cookies/tinctures on the market).

Eating cannabis living and raw may be hard to do if you don’t grow it yourself, own a masticating juicer, and have the correct heavy-metal free nutrients. Check out our vegan dietary cannabis capsules choose the formula you think would work best for you. We offer pain relief, mood enhancers/anxiety/depression management, energy, brain nootropics, and pet products. Good luck on your wellness journey!


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