I have Trigeminal Neuralgia and I'm in a lot of pain and don't want surgery. Is there a cannabis that can hel

Trigeminal neuralgia has both inflammatory and neuropathic components that may respond to cannabis. I would suggest a 1:1 tincture for two-three doses per day without being intoxicated. If you feel a sharpening of your senses or a slight buzzed feeling, these usually go away after using the tincture for a few days. If the intoxicating effect is too much, try a 2:1 or 5:1 ratio. By using a tincture under the tongue, your dose lasts 5-8 hours and you can have almost around-the-clock antiinflammatory and neuroprotective coverage by dosing 2-3 times a day. A THC-dominant variety can be used at bedtime to continue those effects and help with sleep. Start with a few drops and gradually increase the dose until you experience relief. Continue that dose twice daily for a few weeks and then you may be able to dose less frequently. It takes time to determine the right product and dose, so be patient. In addition, a topical balm or creme may help with facial pain. Also consider inhalation at the onset of severe pain. Getting the dose in rapidly can sometimes abort the attack.


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